What's up, reddit? I'm Jeremy Scahill from the news organization, The Intercept, which I started with Laura Poitras and Glenn Greenwald. I am also the host of a new podcast, Intercepted, which we launched after Trump was inaugurated. If you haven't heard the show, check it out. It is not just a news/analysis show. We have exclusive performances from hip hop artists, punk bands and other genre non-specific performers. We also do radio dramatizations of NSA documents provided by Edward Snowden. We also have an awesome Trump impersonator who "stars" in movies such as Apocalypse Now and A Few Good Men and Good Fellas.
About me: I'm a recovering war reporter—Iraq, Afghanistan, former Yugoslavia, Yemen, Somalia. I wrote a couple of books—Blackwater, Dirty Wars—and made a film, which resulted in me ending up at the Oscars. I am officially an Oscar loser. The high point of that experience was ending up pantless in a bathroom with Michael Fassbender. I am a firm believer that every situation in life has a corollary to be found on the show Arrested Development. AMA!
Proof :https://twitter.com/jeremyscahill/status/841384777739563008
Edit: Hey everyone. I am a two finger typer. I tried to answer as many as I could. It is 6:10pm Central and I'm signing off. Feel free to hit me on Twitter at twitter.com/jeremyscahill. Peace!